Technical hotline Intermech Indonesia
PT. Internusa Sinergi Indonesia
P: +62 22 20562806 F: +62 22 6011164 M: +62 877 22753454 E: service@intermech.co.id
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Hendra Wiratama
Workshop Manager
Technical Engineer
Technical hotline and advisory service – always at your service
Our experts on the INTERMECH ID hotline are ready to help you around the clock. When it comes to service management, service products and tailor-made customer solutions, we are your point of contact.
24/7 technical hotline
Do you need assistance quickly? Give us a call! Our 24/7 hotline provides systematic troubleshooting with direct support by telephone. Our specialists will address your issue at any time of the day or night in a competent and purposeful manner.
24/7 technical hotline number (PT. Internusa Sinergi Indonesia, Bandung): M: +62 878 228 90 920

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